Pair of Coalbrookdale Nasturtium Pattern Garden Benches
Showing the makers name, pattern number and lozenge mark
Showing the typical bronze nuts
Image 5 - Pair of Coalbrookdale Nasturtium Pattern Garden Benches
Image 7 - Pair of Coalbrookdale Nasturtium Pattern Garden Benches
this image and the following show some of the old repairs
Image 11 - Pair of Coalbrookdale Nasturtium Pattern Garden Benches
Showing the Nasturtium's
Excellent matching pair
Image 6 - Pair of Coalbrookdale Nasturtium Pattern Garden Benches
As showin in the 1875 Coalbrookdale catalogue
we have carried out some repairs such as this one - it cannot be seen from the front side
Product video

Pair of Coalbrookdale Nasturtium Pattern Garden Benches


We pay from £2,500

Ref: 5083

  • Pair of Coalbrookdale Nasturtium Pattern Garden Benches
  • Excellent matching pair of benches
  • Both fully refurbished by our in house team.
  • The benches both measure 7ft long and 33" tall
  • This model was included in the 1875 Coalbrookdale catalogue
  • Originally this bench was offered in green or chocolate
  • New laths have been fitted
  • The benches both have old repairs, this is what we would expect for benches of this age.

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