10. March 2016 14:08

National Disabled Access Day

UKAA are taking part in the disabled Access day on Saturday March 16th a campaign which aims to help people with access needs, along with their families and friends, discover new accessible experiences. Our office and warehouse is wheelchair friendly with nice wide doors.

We have a good disabled access in our showroom, yard and office with wide doors for you to visit 

We are open:

Monday – Friday 9am – 6pm

Saturday 10am – 5pm 


It is a great opportunity for businesses to engage with new and existing customers by raising awareness of their accessible facilities and services. It can also help operators tap into the lucrative accessible tourism market, worth £12.4bn to England’s tourism industry.

The inaugural event in March 2015 was a huge success, with over 250 venues and organisations taking part and over 1,000 disabled people and their families, friends and carers trying somewhere new.

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