19. March 2010 12:03

Cast Iron Radiator website updates coming soon

We are pushing ahead with some more improvements to this website.

We are making the choice of Valves easier, with larger images

We are also giving you the option to create multiple radiators of the same style and size in one go - these changes although small - they will make your experience on our website a more pleasureable one!!

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 12. March 2010 18:06

New Facility: Save Radiator Quote For Later

This is a further development to our website - you can now save your radiator quote and then adjust it at a later date - this is how it looks on our website. Just create your own radiator order and then the option becomes available - "Save Quote For Later"

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 22. February 2010 17:52

Faster Website Speed !!!

We are now hosting our own images on our websites, the result of this is that individual adverts open up far quicker, which makes for a smoother and less hassle browsing experience.

Here at UKAA we are constantly trying to improve the customer experience.

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 21. February 2010 15:48

About time too - 18 Victorian Radiators for Viv !!

Viv is takign delivery this week of 18 Victorian Radiators for her own home. She has chosen the Victorian 760 in a primer finish.

Viv is changing the colour scheme throughout her house

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 15. December 2009 19:43

December 2009 Update

Our new Warehouse is now up and running
We have added to our cast iron radiator range and we now stock 23 styles of cast iron radiator
We have added some new radiator valves to our range

We now stock the Carron Range of Fires, Fireplaces and Stoves
The Carron stoves that we stock are suitable for use in smoke exempt zones

We have just purchased and will be advertising soon, - 4 reclaimed spiral staircases, 12 tonnes of cobbles, 6 pews, 3 shaker style benches, a lectern, a pair of french doors, a set of 12 victorian oak chairs and 100 identical oak church chairs.

We will also be listing soon a range of traditional style towel rails.

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 19. August 2009 21:11

Period Living Competition

Joanne and Andy Ross purchased an original shower bath from UKAA, after installing it in their home they entered a competition in period living magazine. They have now won the best bathroom award and they are now in the running for best renovation.

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