26. May 2015 13:57

Reclaimed Church Chairs

Are you looking for something a little different with a lot of character for your Home, Pub or Restaurant?

Our Reclaimed Church Chairs would be the perfect choice!

Here at UKAA we have a wide range of Church Chairs varying from Rush Seated Chairs to Stacking Chairs.

All of our chairs are processed through our workshops where they are individually checked and suitable for use either domestically or commercially.

We also offer a painting and distressing service on all of our chairs, please call the office on 01543 222923 or email us at info@ukaa.com for more details.

Church Chapel Chairs Wood Painted Bespoke Reclaimed Character Pub Restaurant Home Kitchen Dining Room Interior

To view our full range of Church And Chapel Chairs please click the image above.

By UK Architectural Antiques Ltd (UKAA)


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